# TEST:	EMOS_testsuite_driver
# $Revision: $
# $Author: drajovic $
# $Date: 2004/03/24 20:14:01 $
# $Archive: /MERCURY/TSL_PROJECTS/EMOS_GPL/FRM/emos_frm_driver/script $
# $NoKeywords: $

#* This test processes the test suite table. A <code>test suite table</code> is
#* an Excel table that defines what tests and in what order should they be run.
#* For this to work there are four pieces if information necessary:
#* <ul>
#* <li><code>doit flag</code> stating wether to process or ignore the row</li>
#* <li><code>test script</code> to be executed</li>
#* <li><code>test table</code> containing test data to be used by the script</li>
#* <li><code>test set</code> the test cases from the test table to be executed</li>
#* </ul>
#* <p>NOTE<p>
#* If <code>doit flag</code> and/or <code>test set</code> are preceeded by "?", 
#* in interactive mode you are given the chance to superseed the given value.
#* <p>The first two collumns mut be titeld "IDX" and "Name" because we use the
#* FRM-interface to process the table (which requires this two columns). You may
#* leave them empty and (we prefer it so) hide them.
#* <p>Example<p>
#* <table border>
#*   <tr>
#*     <th>IDX</th>
#*     <th>Name</th>
#*     <th>Bearbeiten?</th>
#*     <th>Testscript</th>
#*     <th>Testtabelle</th>
#*     <th>Testset</th>
#*     <th>Kommentar</th>
#*   </tr>
#*   <tr>
#*     <td>&#160;</td>
#*     <td>&#160;</td>
#*     <td>ja</td>
#*     <td>the_script</td>
#*     <td>some\table.xls</td>
#*     <td>1-5</td>
#*     <td>Tests 1,2,3,4,5 will be executed</td>
#*   </tr>
#*   <tr>
#*     <td>&#160;</td>
#*     <td>&#160;</td>
#*     <td>?ja</td>
#*     <td>the_script</td>
#*     <td>some\other\table.xls</td>
#*     <td>?1-3,7,9,a,b,c</td>
#*     <td>Test names can also be non-numeric, a popup dalog will appear twice</td>
#*   </tr>
#* </table>
#* <p>Parameters<p>
#* <ul>
#* <li><b>script_home</b>: home directory for test scripts</li>
#* <li><b>data_home</b>: home directory for test data</li>
#* <li><b>default_suite_table</b>: name of the test suite table</li>
#* <li><b>ask</b>: (optional) TRUE: gives you the option to choose 
#* alternative suite table; FALSE: opens the defined table only [default]
#* <li><b>columns</b> (optional) comma-separated string defining the
#* titles of the four important columns 
#* [default: <pre>"Bearbeiten?,Testscript,Testtabelle,Testset"</pre>]</li>
#* </ul>
#* <p>Parameters<p>
#* <ul>
#* <li><b>E_OK</b>: success</li>
#* <li><b>!E_OK</b>: failure</li>
#* </ul>

if ( arg1 != "" ) FRM_DRV_set_script_home( arg1 );
if ( arg2 != "" ) FRM_DRV_set_data_home( arg2 );
if ( arg3 != "" ) FRM_DRV_set_default_suite_table( arg3 );
if ( arg4 != "" ) FRM_DRV_set_ask( arg4 );
if ( arg5 != "" ) FRM_DRV_set_columns( arg5 );

treturn FRM_DRV_main( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );